Here’s What Cats Will Be Like In 2022


10 years ago, if you said the word “blog” to someone they would understand what you were talking about. Nowadays, the word is more than just a type of website – it’s a verb meaning to share one’s thoughts and opinions on social media through blogging. It used to be that people with an opinion on any topic could easily make their thoughts known by publishing them in a newspaper or magazine. Back then, if you wanted to express your insights on cats, you might’ve written some essays and articles for magazines like Cat Fancy or Cats & Kittens.

Ten Facts about Cats in 2022

In 2022, cats will be just as popular as they are today. Here are ten facts about cats in 2022:
1. There will be an estimated 4 million domestic cats in the United States.
2. The average lifespan of a domestic cat will be 15 years.
3. The most popular breed of cat will be the Siamese.
4. Cats will continue to be mostly indoors pets, with only a small percentage living outdoors.
5. The majority of cats will be spayed or neutered.
6. Cats will still require regular vaccinations against diseases such as rabies and feline leukemia virus (FLV).
7. A new generation of “smart” litter boxes will hit the market, featuring sensors that can automatically clean the box and track your cat’s

bathroom habits.

8. A growing number of pet owners will opt for raw or natural diets for their cats.
9. Declawing will continue to decline in popularity, with more people opting for alternatives such as nail caps or trimming their cat’s nails regularly.


What do you think about the predictions for cats in 2022? Are you excited about the possibility of them becoming more like dogs, or do you think that they’ll always be different? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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