Cricket is also included in the Olympics

 Cricket is also included in the Olympics Mumbai (Monitoring Desk) The game of cricket has also been included in the ...
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fake tickets selling for india-pakistan match

 fake tickets selling for india-pakistan match Ahmedabad: Four persons have been arrested for selling fake tickets for a Match between ...
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Unveiling India’s Stand: Rejecting ‘Special Treatment’ for Pakistan’s World Cup Security Assurance

India has declined to provide any form of “special treatment” to Pakistan following the latter’s request for security assurance for ...
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Indian Picks Pakistan for World Cup 2023 Semis

I would pick the teams from Australia, England, India, and Pakistan. According to Sehwag, these are the winners. According to ...
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Step-by-Step Guide to Booking Cricket World Cup Match Tickets in India

Step-by-Step Guide to Booking Cricket World Cup Match Tickets in India The ICC Cricket World Cup is one of the ...
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